Tuesday 16 September 2014


The awkward moment between Kanye West and two wheelchair bound fans was another example of him being a constant media target, the Chicago MC explained during a another rant in Australia this week. 

West addressed cutting the music off at a previous performance to make the entire crowd rise to their feet, only to find two fans confined to a wheelchair and therefore unable to do so. He says the media blew the story out of proportion. “It’s like, welcome to today’s news ladies and gentlemen, we got Americans getting killed on TV, we have kids getting killed every week in Chicago, and we have unarmed people being killed by police officers, and we have Kanye West buying ice cream — and also that squirrel on a jet ski,” he vented. 

Instead of releasing a prepared statement, West said that he’d rather take time away from his concert to respond. “It makes you just want to reflect on what are the things that make it a little more sensational than others,” he continued. “I wanna take this platform. If I didn't have this last concert maybe I would have tweeted or something. Maybe I would have put a statement with a publicist, but I can talk directly to you, my fans, because they got this thing where they want the masses, the people who have never even heard one of my albums, to somehow read a headline that reads negative and to think I'm a bad person or something. But the thing is, I'm not judging anybody, but I'm going to tell you who I am: I'm a married Christian man.”

West carried on with the rant by pointing out his positive contributions to fans. “At my concerts, I make sure that everybody has as good of a time as possible,” he said. “So all this demonizing me, it ain’t gon’ work after a while. Pick a new target, cause I’m not one of these dumb a-- artists that you’re used to. You come at me and I’m gonna take my platform and break this s--- down for real intelligent people every night, so they can understand, then we get back to the music. Thank you for hearing me out.”

West's mini-tour Down Under hasn’t been incident free. Last week he was rushed to a hospital in Melbourne after reportedly suffering from a severe headache.

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